Siberian Smiles

Siberian Smiles
Athena and Zeus in Paradise

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Beautiful Morning Indeed :)

Happy Thursday! Nothing falling from the sky at this point! Woohoo!!! Thus this is not really written to my family and friends who are monitoring my sanity levels closely this winter, but rather it is directed to Mother Nature, and is about my love/hate relationship with her since the storm on December 26th. I think that the world is beginning to right itself all due to the fact that the Groundhog did NOT see his shadow! LOL I was ready with blindfolds for the little critter to assure that he did not see it, but my dear friend, Mother Nature, took care of it in the TriState area and New England by slamming us with an ice storm that kept the sun out of view for the day! Thank you, Mother Nature. Please disregard anything that you heard that I said that was nasty about you :) The comment about you needing medication for your menopausal evil streak was well intentioned with your best interest at heart! I swear!! hehehehe

Athena loved standing on the back of the chair, looking out at the icy wonderland and dreaming of romping on the ice.....

Apollo loved eating the icicles that Alex was breaking off the house......

and Zeus, well Zeus was Zeus and was a lugnut for most of the day.... he did get up to have dinner :)

All in all I think the pups needed the "down day" as they have been frolicking in your ever growing accumulation of snow (now ice) and are even shedding out part of their massive undercoat to make room for NEW FUR to stay warm with the Winter that you have blessed (?) us with. I will be "thanking" you again this Spring when all the NEW fur decides to fall out when you try to make up for the Winter by giving us a quick hot Spring and a fast melt :)

We will continue to enjoy all that you are dishing out to us this winter. We will sit out back in the snow even though it is packed down and still over 2 feet off the ground level. We will laugh and joke and shovel and chip.....why you ask? It is a simple issue, Mother long as we laugh, you may win some of the Winter battles, but we will win the Winter War! Have a nice day Mother Nature! Love, Betsy

PS: I am looking forward to the Spring when my dogs will all look like this.....I am gathering old towels in anticipation :)

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